This morning while staying in Las Vegas , my husband and I decided to go down to the local coffee shop to get our breakfast to go. We were to split ways while he went to meetings and I worked back in the room on social media. My husband accidentally gave me his Bear Claw pastry instead of my bagel with cheese bag. When I realized the mistake, I was 27 floors up and back in my room starving after only eating appetizers the previous night.
I was feeling quite reluctant to eat this chocolate filled pastry especially when, after working on the computer for a bit, I had planned on hitting the gym. Here I was feeling my mouth watering while I delayed on what is the next best step for me to do was? How many times have you found yourself in a situation similar to this one? What was the negative chatter and guilt-ridden things you say to yourself about food you are about to put in your mouth? Did you find yourself checking out your body in the mirror and saying unkind words about how you look to help you from not eating something fattening? I will tell you how I helped myself out of this “sweet” mess I found myself in – I used E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique). The following is a short Tapping Script I used in my case just to give you an idea of how to word a dilemma such as this one: While Tapping on the Karate Chop Point: Even though I am starving and I so badly feel the need to eat this ………., I choose to love and accept all of me anyway, Even though it’s very hard for me to not eat this …………. right now as I’m so hungry, I choose to understand how difficult it is for me Even though I know eating this ………… will make me feel bad about myself, I choose to accept and honor myself anyway Now start tapping on the remaining 8 tapping points:
Stop and take a deep breath in. Then change perspective.
Stop and take a deep breath in. Then move onto positive round.
Happy Tapping!
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September 2023