The ingredients to bake a cake require flour and other key elements depending on the type of cake, attempting to bake it with the wrong or missing ingredients will always result in failure. Setting personal strategies and goals with missing skills, gaps or failing to identify blocks will always result in failing to achieve our objectives.
Turning our dreams into reality requires us to create a strategy, set goals and execute, adjusting and staying the course. This is the common message we read in self-help magazines, books, and other mediums we leverage to propel ourselves forward. These steps are the right steps, but far too often, we do not examine our strengths and weaknesses before we create our strategies and goals, and quite often this leads to failure, disillusionment, and frustration. We give up, say it’s just too hard, I don’t have what it takes. When we fail to examine and identify who we are today, what we have, and what we are missing, or what will block us from achieving our goals, we set ourselves up for failure and frustration. In organisations this examination is called a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, objectives, and threats), and is a critical step in determining the organisations strategies, goals and execution plan. It is, for many of us, the critical missing step that continues to hold us back. If you are determined to grow, take the time to review where you are versus where you want to be, examine the gaps, honestly. If you identify gaps or blocks for you, you must decide, to fill in the gaps, to overcome the blockages, or find a different course, a different goal. This is really important for growth, as sometimes we either do not want to address the underlying issues that block us, or we don’t want to do the work necessary to fill in gaps, and that is okay, if that is your choice. This is not about giving up, it is about pragmatism, moving onward and upward, forward motion. Make sure you have the right mix of ingredients that match your goal, and if you do not have them, getting them must be your first goal. If you would like help in applying this to your life, personal or business - please click here to book in a complimentary call with me Schedule-A-Call
September 2023