Set Your True Course by Discovering Your Strengths & ValuesI can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
- Jimmy Dean Have you been trying so hard to start something new, something different, but every time you feel like you have a little momentum…you hit a wall, find an obstacle, someone tells you it won’t work, or you’re not the right fit. “Headwinds”, or “No wind” beneath your sails, one will stop you cold the other will leave you sitting there bobbing around in the proverbial ocean, going nowhere. These analogies truly reflect life, there are always things, stuff, people that can and quite often get in your way of progress. There are times when we feel something is missing or we drifted off course in life. This is when the universe is giving us a little nudge to let us know we need to do something different, to change things up. Where do you start? Why not start by examining and writing down your values? • What you would like to have more of? – love, significance, variety, certainty, growth, fun, health. • What area of your life needs attention? – work, home, family, friendships, etc. • When you list at least 10 values? • Rank your list from 1 – 10 You now know what values are at the top of your list. Knowing what really matters to you is a helpful start to setting a new course, discovering what needs changing in your life. Understand what excites you and what is important to you. Your values help you to make decisions every day. They are what steers us toward or away from experiences, relationships, even your life purpose. Knowing your values enhances self-awareness, you also gain clarity and focus on what direction you wish your life to be heading so you can take committed action. Our values are not goals. They are not something we gain, buy or compete for. A new job, car, wealth, or big house may be things we work towards owning but these are goals. Our values we already own. They are part of how we wish to be with others, and in our environment. Our values are our qualities that we bring to the actions we wish to take. Our personality is made up of our values, what we wish to portray and stand for as a parent, worker, wife/husband, friend, leader, entrepreneur etc. Values such as, honest, supportive, focused, team player, trustworthy, compassionate, organised, reliable, and loving. If we align with our values, we will be happier and more productive to be our best selves, we know where to point our boat. We will feel and look more relaxed, authentic and not something that we are attempting to do or ‘trying’ to be but something that we naturally are. Our efforts will have more meaning to us and in turn will improve our health and overall well-being. So how do your values connect to your actions and goals in your life? How does knowing your values help you when deciding to change a part of your life you are not happy with? Ask yourself: • What personal qualities or strengths do you want to demonstrate in your work environment? • How do you want to behave in your relationships? • What do I want to stand for in the face of this challenging situation? • What work improving skills would you like to develop? • What qualities would I like to have with my family, co-workers, or friends? Perhaps you would like to show leadership qualities such as patience, active listening, supportive skills. Maybe instead of just listing being ‘patient and more supportive’ you could take an action of setting a specific time each week and sit down with your team one on one to let them discuss concerns they may have. Will this help improve your job? Yes, by showing your colleagues you care, and they matter, it will improve productivity. You will be making more of an impact and will uplift and inspire you to add more values to your connection with others. Our values change when our goals change. As an example: you get a promotion at work, your top values may have changed from health/fitness, adventure to contribution, responsibility, power. That is not to say, one day, it would not change back. If you have found true love, your top values may now be intimacy, respect and trustworthiness. Our values are never completed like goals. We change and grow all the time. Values are central to who you are and who you want to become. Life decisions are made easier when you know what you value most. Your values allow you to navigate your journey in life, and sail through any rough waters. If you would like help in applying this to your life, personal or business - please click here to book in a complimentary call with me Schedule-A-Call
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September 2023