Trying has it’s own built in safety net for failure and in most cases when we try we really do not give it our all. So when you hear people say “give it your best try” it really is not the best rallying cry. What we should say to ourselves is to borrow a well-known brand message is “just do it!” or don’t – there is no other real options.
As Tony Robbins once asked one of his guests at an event who wanted to save her marriage, “Try to pick up your chair” “No, don’t pick it up, try to pick it up” – impossible right? This is the same for anything. You can’t try to make a marriage fulfilling, you do everything you can and know, that you won’t walk away feeling like you put half an effort into it. Doing does not mean you will be successful, but it requires you to truly give it all you have. Equally not doing is a definite full force action. Trying is much less forceful and implies giving it a shot, “but I have a bail out clause”. Not to confuse, but we are talking about big things here, things that are important to you. We are not talking about trying a new food, trying on a new fashion item or anything like that. When it comes to your life, and deciding to do/not do, such as changing careers, learning a new skill, new language, finding new friends, new relationships, or rebuilding the one you already have! If you consider all the times you have tried something – do you truly know if you gave it 100% effort? Next time you are faced with a challenge or opportunity – decide “will I do this or not?” if you decide to do it, give it everything without any fear of failure. Failure frankly is not what is actually happening. You are in fact learning. Learning what not to do or what does not work. Failure is learning, learning is growing and growing in life is truly living! “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison. Choosing not to do something is okay too, but move on. We waste so much time stuck in circles and more often than not, we try but never truly invest everything in it and never getting to done! If you find yourself going around in circles not committing to a task or project, ask yourself the Why, How, Because exercise:
So take a chance, embrace the possibility of failure, but maybe the joy of success. Learn either way, live and just do it!
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September 2023